BURPOUT (BURP Club Annual Family Camp-Out)
The BURP Club is happy to announce that BURPOUT, the annual club campout held on Popenoe Mountain near Flintstone, MD, is back again for 2023! The event will once again be held on the beautiful mountaintop property owned by longtime BURP members the Popenoe family. It was the site of MASHOUT (Mid-Atlantic States Homebrewers CampOut) for many years until that event outgrew the facilities.
The dates are Fri, June 30 to Sun, Jul 2, 2023. However, BURPers will be welcome to arrive as early as Thurs, Jun 29 at no additional charge.
Registration fees are $30 for each adult or child aged 12-21; $15 for each child aged 2-12. Children younger than age 2 are admitted at no charge. This covers use of the camping area, comfort facilities (port o' pots), a communal dumpster, and preparation of the camping area for the event. We will have our Saturday communal dinner featuring grilled chicken and brats. Everyone is to bring a side dish or dessert to share with the group..
Please fully read the required Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement before completing your registration (the check box acknowledging your agreement is required in order to register).
This event is open to BURP members and their families only, and there is an overall limit of 50 people. A limited number of online registration options are available. If you have additional family members (including children aged 13-21) you'd like to register, contact organizer Bill Ridgely at aaronridge@comcast.net. An alternative method can be used to sign up everyone in your group. All spouses and children are welcome at this event as long as one family member is a registered BURP member.
An acknowledgement of your registration will be sent following payment. Further information, including directions to the site, will be sent by e-mail prior to the event.