Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP) was founded in the fall of 1981 by avid homebrewers. It has grown to be one of the largest homebrew clubs in the Mid Atlantic area with over 300 members. BURP’s members mainly live in Metropolitan Washington DC area (Northern Virginia and the Capitol Region of Maryland) but anyone is welcome to join.


Founded in 1981 by Avid Homebrewers

Brewers United for Real Potables

The BURP Doxology

summarizes our believes

Praise BURP from whom beer blessings flow,
Praise BURP ye brewers here below,
Praise BURP above ye heavenly hosts,
Praise barley, hops and yeast the most
Aaaaaaaaaaa, Drink!
                                                               Al Lowry

If you come to one of our meetings –

  • Be prepared to talk beer and drink beer.
  • Bring more beer than you drink and more food than you eat.
  • Find a name tag and put it on.
  • Sample (i.e. drink a small quantity of) other people’s beer.  Give constructive comments.
  • Give other people samples of your beer.
  • Chat freely with the first stranger you meet; that person won’t be a stranger for long.
  • But don’t drive while intoxicated

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